The splitting of a browser screen into frames can be done by using Frameset and /Frameset tags.
Attributes of Frameset tag :
Frameset tags require one of the following attributes depending on whether to divide the screen in rows or columns.
Rows: This attribute is used to divide the screen horizontally i.e, into multiple rows. Multiple values can be set to this property depending on the required size of each row. Possible values for this attribute are
Number of pixels or can be expressed as a percentage of the screen resolution
Note: The symbol * indicates the remaining space.
Cols: This attribute is used to divide the screen vertically i.e, into multiple columns. Multiple values can be set to this property depending on the required size of each column. Possible values for this attribute are
Number of pixels or can be expressed as a percentage of the screen resolution
Note: The symbol * indicates the remaining space.
Frameset rows="30%,30%,*"
... Rest of the definition here ...
Note: There are several advantages(pros) and disadvantages(cons) of using frames. Now you will be eager to see the advantages and disadvantages of frames.
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