Thursday, February 19, 2009

TD tag

The tag is used to create cells that contain the data, information, or text that you wish to display in the table. You may place as many data cells in a row as you desire.

The th tag is used to create a header cell for the cells in a row in a table element.

The ending tag is optional. However, it is recommended that it be included.

The coding sequence is:
place data here

Core Attributes

class dir id lang onclick ondblclick onkeydown onkeypress onkeyup onmousedown onmousemove onmouseout onmouseover onmouseup style title


The abbr attribute is not recognized by most browsers. You use it to provide an abbreviated summary of the data cell text.

The align attribute is used to set the horizontal alignment of the cell contents. The possible values are center, char, justify, left, and right.

The axis attribute is not recognized by most browsers. This attribute is used to create a list of category names which form the basis of a query. This query is executed against the cells that form the table.

The bgcolor attribute is deprecated effective with version 4.0. You are now to use style sheets. This attribute is used to set the background color for the cell. It can be either a named color (such as red) or a six character hexadecimal RGB color code (such as #e26fa9). This value overrides any color value that was set in the table or tr tags.

The char attribute permits you to select a character that will be used to align the contents of the cell. This was designed to allow the decimal points in a column of numbers to be in vertical alignment. The default value is country dependent. In the U.S., it is the first occurrence of a period or a decimal point.

The charoff attribute is an integer used to specify if the value designated in the char attribute is to be the first, second, or whatever occurrence.

The colspan attribute allows a header to span horizontally two or more columns (cells). This may be combined with the rowspan attribute to form data cells that encompass several rows and columns.

The headers attribute is not recognized by most browsers. The value of this attribute is a list of cell names. The names are the values of the cells' id attributes. This attribute is used with speech capable browsers.

The height attribute is deprecated effective with version 4.0. You are now to use style sheets. You use this attribute to set a minimum height for the cell. This value is an integer number of pixels. However, you may exceed this minimum height to accommodate the cell contents. The tallest cell in the row determines the actual maximum height which will be adopted by all of the cells in that row.

The nowrap attribute is deprecated effective with version 4.0. You are now to use style sheets. You use this attribute to stop word wrapping and display the cell contents in one continuous line. However, you can insert br and p tags to create line and paragraph breaks.

The rowspan attribute allows a cell to extend down two or more rows. This may be combined with the colspan attribute to form data cells that encompass several rows and columns.

The scope attribute is not recognized by most browsers. It is used to assign a set of data cells to one header cell. The four possible values are col, colgroup, row, and rowgroup.

The valign attribute is used to set the vertical alignment of the cell contents. The possible values are baseline, bottom, middle, and top.

The width attribute is deprecated effective with version 4.0. You are now to use style sheets. It is used to set the horizontal width of the cell. This value is an integer number of pixels. The widest cell sets the width for the entire column.

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